To All My Children and My Children To Come...

The purpose of these blogs is that one day I will finish them before my time here is finished and that I may be able to hand my spiritual findings down to my children and anyone else that will listen.
I am very concerned that it took me twelve years in my walk with God to discover a basic Truth that we all should know as born-again Christians... It has been a great mystery to me up until now... It escaped much of my thinking and meditations... But I now know something about God that is as large as the mysteries of all the universe... It is what the entire bible (yes, even the Old Testament) is trying to tell the world... It is the great event that God so freely gave His Children... The giving of "God's Grace"!
There are about 33,000 religions existing at this time, and I would like to instruct my children to strive to never participate in religion, but rather a relationship with God. God will not be put in a box. He won't fit any way people try to pack Him! I am NOT saying to stay out of church, but do strive to find one that tells the "Whole Truth" about God, so that you may grow spiritually in the power of God's Love. Doing so will not leave you "bound up" in any way, and the Spirit of God will actually become manifest (be evident) in your daily lives... With you personally, your family, your friends, your community, and ultimately, you will somehow impact the world as God leads you into who He wants you to be.
The only legacy I can leave you, my dear family, is explaining the one thing God has given us all... I hope this Truth will help you find your way in life and the life to come. To all my Grandchildren and children to come, heed these words and find your way to me, through the unction of The Holy Spirit... No matter how crazy any of you think this may be, rest assured, this will be the only Truth you will be able to find in the world...
Treasure God's Word. God exalts it even higher than Himself! Search for His Treasures! Wear His Wisdom around your neck! Seek the understanding of the great, deep mysteries of God... He will give unto you... And you will be astonished!
May God guide me as to what to include in these blogs, and, may I finish them before I am done here on earth... This legacy God has given "ALL" His children, I will try to explain to you...
I do love you with all my heart, all my children and my children to come... Find your way to me, for I will live forever, and I so anxiously await your arrival. I do so very much love you all.
Matt & Melva (Papa & Mama) Thompson